CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Cybersecurity Risk Management

Coûts/Frais d’inscription

The world has been transformed into a global village thanks to the advancements in, inter alia, transportation and communication. Among those advancements, internet is by far the most important. Day by day, our dependence to the internet increases, so does the quantity and quality of the cyber-attacks, transcending even governments’ capacity to tackle them.Almost two thirds (66%) of companies in Belgium were victims of cybercrime according to a large-scale research funded by BELSCO, a Belgian federal government body for research policy. Cybercrime doesn’t have borders, the estimated global cost of cybercrime is about €525 billion in which the estimation for Europe and Central Asia floats around €170 billion.
According to German IT industry association BITCOM, more than half of the German companies suffered from cybercrime. It is estimated that this corresponds to a 55 billion euros’ worth of damage annually. In another research, conducted in collaboration with the UK Government, the cost of cybercrime to the UK is calculated to be £27bn (37 billion euro) per annum.
In this regard, cybersecurity risk management is becoming a fundamental part of the management function of every organisation, be it government or business. Horizon Global Academy’s Cybersecurity Risk Management course will enable managers in public and private sectors; analysts as well as security and technology specialists, to grasp the cyber domain, facing threats and how to mitigate risks.


- Be aware of the risks posed by cyber threats.
- Be able to discern cyber threats and possible actors behind cybercrime.
- Grasp how cyber attacks pose risk to your business.
- Figure out assets in your business, including AI-powered systems.
- Not feel sidelined by IT experts nor perplexed by the complexity of their work; rather, supervise IT, experts, as they respond to incidents.
- Lead designing an architecture to mitigate the risks posed by cyber threats.


This course is designed for non-technical executives as well as interested and aspiring individuals/employees from the private or public sector. No IT background or prior technical knowledge is needed. The only prerequisite is a clear understanding of the cyber challenge and the need to counter it.

Behind the Horizon ISSG, Davincilaan 1 1932 Zaventem Belgique

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  • Cybersécurité
  • Encadrement
  • Gestion de crise
  • IT Concepts
  • IT Infrastructure
  • Policy/Legal
Langues English , Dutch
Évaluation Quizzes & Workshop
Public cible
  • Décideurs politiques
  • Fonctionnaires gouvernementaux
  • Grand public
  • Autorités locales
  • Personnel d'ONG
  • Pouvoirs publics
  • Cours magistral
  • Travail de groupe et résolution collaborative de problèmes
  • Étude de cas
  • Indisponible
  • Cybersecurity Risk Management
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