CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Helsinki España - Human Dimension

  • Private
  • Non-profit
  • National

Helsinki España is Human Rights organization, born in 1992 with the aim of disseminating and promoting the principles related to the Human Dimension of the Helsinki Act of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Since its creation, Helsinki España has been working for the respect and defense of human rights through education.

It carries out an essentially informative and formative work through the organization of international meetings and training courses on topics related to human rights, conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

For the development of its training activities Helsinki Spain has an international network of experts composed of experts from international organizations, as well as members of diplomatic corps, security forces, and civil society. It also has an International Network of Universities composed of more than 140 universities around the world.

  • ONG / Sans but lucratif
  • Transformation des conflits
  • Droits humains (dans les conflits armés)
  • Droit international humanitaire
  • Analyse de conflits
  • Gestion et résolution de conflits
  • Prévention des conflits
  • Éducation pour la paix
  • Consolidation de la paix
  • Protection des civils
  • Réforme du secteur de la sécurité (RSS)
  • Désarmement, démobilisation et réinsertion (DDR)
  • Conception de programmes de consolidation de la paix et de prévention
Public cible
  • Grand public
  • Jeunesse
  • Femmes
Année de création 1992
Établissement d’enseignement secondaire ou supérieur No
  • Indisponible
Principales langues de formation
  • English
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