CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Johanna Wolf de Tafur

  •   Bonn, Allemagne
À propos

Johanna Wolf de Tafur works as a Peace, Conflict & Security Consultant and Trainer with ZIF, GIZ the German Armed Forces and various INGOs. Her field experience includes serving as a Human Rights Officer in the UN Stabilisation Mission in DR Congo (MONUSCO) and in Papua, Indonesia with Peace Brigades International (PBI) as well as a number of short-term deployments. She has worked extensively with both military and civilian experts committed to bridging the divide between organisational cultures.

Johanna is registered as a Short- and Long-term Election Observer to serve in OSCE/ODIHR and EU Election Observation Missions. Her particular strength is designing and facilitating interactive seminars and workshops on a variety of topics such as: Human Rights; Peacebuilding; Protection of Civilians; Peacekeeping; Civil Conflict Resolution; Gender, Peace and Security.

* All trainings will be customised and can be delivered in English, French, Spanish or German.*

Formations proposées
Thème Niveaux Langues
Genre / Égalité hommes-femmes Advanced English
Droits humains (dans les conflits armés) Advanced English
Analyse de conflits Advanced English
Gestion et résolution de conflits Advanced English
Éducation pour la paix Advanced English
Consolidation de la paix Advanced English
Sécurité des personnes (dont gestion du stress et autre) Advanced English
Formation pré-déploiement pour personnel civil Advanced English
Gestion de projets sensibles au conflit Advanced English
Protection des civils Advanced English
Sensibilisation à l'exploitation et aux abus sexuels Advanced English
Gestion de crise Advanced English
Sensibilisation culturelle et communication Advanced English
Adviser on training & curricula
Forum Civil Peace Service
4/2017 - 3/2019
Cologne, Allemagne
Human rights officer
UN Joint Human Rights Office in DRC
5/2012 - 1/2013
Kindu, Congo, république démocratique du congo
Peace & security consultant
8/2010 - Present
Cologne, Allemagne
Human rights officer
Peace Brigades International
3/2008 - 11/2009
Jakarta, jayapura, wamena, Indonésie
German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
2/2007 - 7/2007
Brussels, Belgique
Project assistant
European Association of Development Research Institutes
9/2006 - 1/2007
Bonn, Allemagne
Public cible
  • Personnel militaire
  • Services de répression
  • Décideurs politiques
  • Fonctionnaires gouvernementaux
  • Grand public
  • Autorités locales
  • Jeunesse
  • Personnel d'ONG
  • Femmes
  • Autres
  • Travailleurs sociaux
  • Enseignants
  • Pouvoirs publics
  • Peace and Conflict Consultant
  • HEAT Certificate
  • Training of Trainers in Integrating Gender Mainstreaming into Peacebuilding Projects
  • Mentoring & Advising in Civilian Crisis Management
  • Short + Longterm Election Observer OSCE + EU
Formations sur mesure  Yes
  • English (C2)
  • German (C2)
  • French (C1)
  • Spanish (C1)
  • Indonesian (B1)
Des publications
Forum Civil Peace Service (ed.): Principles of Local Conflict Counselling, download at:

Wolf, Johanna, 2006, Gleiche Rechte für Alle? Das Konzept der Menschenrechte zwischen Universalismus und Kulturrelativismus, München, ISBN: 978-3-638-52605-0 (eBook), 978-3-638-70944-6 (Book).

Wolf, Johanna, 2006, Das Konzept der Menschenrechte aus moralischer und völkerrechtlicher Sicht, München, ISBN: 978-3-668-05682-4.

Wolf, Johanna, 2006, Universalismus oder Kulturrelativismus? Zwei Entwürfe der Menschenrechte, München, ISBN: 978-3-668-05683-1.

Wolf, Johanna, 2006, Woher kommen Menschenrechte? Die Dichotomie von Ubiquität und Diffusion, München, ISBN: 978-3-668-05684-8.

Wolf, Johanna, 2006, Vom westlichen Konstrukt zum neuen Universalismus? Adamantia Pollis' und Peter Schwabs Konzept der Menschenrechte, München, ISBN: 978-3-668-05686-2.
University of bonn
mid-level exams,  M.a. mid-level exams
10/2000 - 9/2004
Bonn,  Allemagne
University of muenster
Magistra Artium (M.A.) Sociology, Political Science,  M.a. with distinction
9/2004 - 7/2006
Münster,  Allemagne
Academy for conflict transformation
Certificate,  Peace & conflict consultant
7/2011 - 9/2011
Cologne,  Allemagne
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