CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Refuge University

  • Private
  • Non-profit
  • International

Refuge University is a platform facilitated by the Paul Awan Initiative for Development as a humanitarian service focused on peacebuilding and the development of infrastructures of peace. Through our organisation’s refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) unit, we facilitated the establishment of the institution to provide mainly humanitarian educational service in fields like peace training, vocational education and training, and technology among others.

Operating wholly online, the institution was established by the voice of support by refugees and internally displaced persons across the world as a collective self-help measure, a first port of call, and/or alternative means through which any refugee or internally displaced person across the world can acquire a sound education.

Therefore, our platform provides solution to the educational needs of some of the most vulnerable, and educationally deprived people in the world. Thus, we describe it as an educational platform created by refugees/IDPs for refugees/IDPs

As a humanitarian platform, the institution helps displaced persons come out of their current circumstances equipped both academically and technically to support their livelihoods during and after the conflicts.

Also, the platform provides education to society on the causes, outbreak/manifestations, and effects of conflicts around the world. By so doing, we equip society, policymakers, and actors with knowledge on prevention, conflict resolution, reconciliation/peacebuilding, and the transformation of conflicts. The platform is also open to anyone who wishes to acquire knowledge in the relevant disciplines.

  • Institut universitaire/de recherche
  • Organisation communautaire
  • ONG / Sans but lucratif
  • Autres
  • Transformation des conflits
  • Personnel civil de maintien de la paix et accompagnement
  • Analyse de conflits
  • Gestion et résolution de conflits
  • Prévention des conflits
  • Encadrement
  • Gestion de crise
  • Conception de programmes de consolidation de la paix et de prévention
  • Business Administration
Public cible
  • Grand public
Année de création 2023
Établissement d’enseignement secondaire ou supérieur No
  • Indisponible
Principales langues de formation
  • English
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