CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Making Mediation & Peace Processes Work: Peacemaking in Deeply Divided Societies and Challenging Contexts

Date limite d’inscription
22nd October 2019
18th November 2019
22nd November 2019
On campus
Coûts/Frais d’inscription
€700 / OECD: €900

Making Mediation & Peace Processes Work: Peacemaking in Deeply Divided Societies and Challenging Conflicts is a unique three-day Advanced Professional Training designed for governments, UN agencies and missions, and national and international organisations working with mediation, negotiations, dialogue processes (from community to national and inter-party levels), peacemaking, and peace processes. The programme is intended for expert mediators and parties to mediation and negotiation processes seeking to identify measures to strengthen and improve their processes. Facilitated by an expert practitioner, the programme will assist those involved in mediation and peacemaking efforts – before, during or postwar – to address key challenges and explore practical ways of improving the quality and results of their mediation and peacemaking processes. Carried out in cooperation with the Department of Peace Operations (DPO) of PATRIR, the programme is also designed to actively assist mediation and peace processes. Technical Assistance is provided to ensure customized support for participating experts, representatives and
organisations and agencies. In several cases, both / multiple mediation parties and mediators have taken part in the programme to assist them by providing a space to step out from their normal contexts and to go indepth, in a facilitated process, into improving their meditation and peacemaking skills, methods and approaches.

Training location: Cluj-Napoca


Your Benefits: What you get from this course

• Work with leading practitioners, government and conflict party leadership involved in mediation processes in complex environments from around the world.
• Develop and Design Outcomes for Enabling Resolution and Transformation of Complex Conflicts
• Enhance understanding, coordination and coherence in peacemak-ing in the field and between policy and practice. Addressing both top-level formal and informal negotiations, mediation and peace processes the program will also explore how processes can be made more effective by linking with other tracks and the work that can be done by civil society actors, donors, international agencies, national parliaments, analysts, media and other to support mediation processes and create an enabling environment for transition and resolution.
• Technical aspects of preparation, design, development, implementation and follow-through in mediation and peace processes
• Address the links, gaps and opportunities in multi-track dialogue, mediation, peacemaking and peacebuilding
• Develop practical measures for improving practice and addressing gaps in current mediation and peacemaking practice


Participants: Who is it for?
Mediators, governments, UN agencies and missions, and national and international organisations working with mediation, negotiations, dialogue processes (from community to national and inter-party levels)

Str. Ion Ghica 30 400306 Cluj-Napoca Roumanie
  • Transformation des conflits
  • Culture et Identité
  • Droits humains (dans les conflits armés)
  • Personnel civil de maintien de la paix et accompagnement
  • Analyse de conflits
  • Gestion et résolution de conflits
  • Développement institutionnel / Renforcement de capacités
  • Encadrement
  • Médiation & négociation
  • Éducation pour la paix
  • Gestion de projets sensibles au conflit
  • Gestion de crise
  • Conception de programmes de consolidation de la paix et de prévention
  • Sensibilisation culturelle et communication
Langues English
Évaluation based on participation
Public cible
  • Personnel militaire
  • Services de répression
  • Décideurs politiques
  • Fonctionnaires gouvernementaux
  • Grand public
  • Autorités locales
  • Jeunesse
  • Personnel d'ONG
  • Femmes
  • Cours magistral
  • Travail de groupe et résolution collaborative de problèmes
  • Étude de cas
  • Simulation
  • Indisponible
  • Advanced Professional Training: Certificate of Participation
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