CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Conflict Sensitivity

10th September 2025
19th September 2025
6 afternoons CET
Skill level
CHF 1500

Peacebuilding, development and humanitarian interventions aim at contributing to a positive impact on the contexts within which they take place. External interventions in volatile environments thus need to be sensitive to the context. This includes the identification and mitigation of the risks of exacerbating conflict, and strengthening of opportunities to contribute to positive change.

Working in volatile and potentially quickly changing contexts requires organizations and their interventions to be adaptive and flexible. A conflict sensitive approach systematically takes into account both the positive and negative impacts of interventions on contexts and the impact of these contexts on the interventions.


In this course you will:
- acquire an understanding of the concept and aim of conflict sensitivity;
- learn about practical tools for conflict sensitive program management, and apply them to concrete practical cases;
- explore best practices and lessons learned with conflict sensitivity practitioners from different contexts;
- discuss cases from your own or other participants’ work;
- exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice.


This course is designed for professionals working in or on fragile and conflict-affected contexts and interested in improving their conflict sensitive project management skills and practitioners and academics interested in bridiging their own experiences with current conceptual insights and practical knowledge.

The existing swisspeace online conflict sensitivity course will be used for the individual preparation and processing of the content. The virtual course provides a deepening of the content of the existing online course, and is equally suitable for participants who already attended it as for those who have not.

Is this course a good match for you? If unsure, do not hesitate to contact us for counseling.

Kasernenhof 8 4058 Basel Switzerland

To apply for the course, please click on the button.   Apply now

  • Conflict transformation
  • Culture and identity
  • Human rights (in conflict)
  • Civilian peacekeeping and accompaniment
  • Conflict analysis
  • Conflict management & conflict resolution
  • Conflict prevention
  • Leadership
  • Peace education
  • Peacebuilding
  • Policing
  • Transitional justice
  • Mission observation
  • Other
  • Mission planning
  • Designing peacebuilding & prevention programming
  • Cultural awareness & communication
Languages English
Evaluation Participation
Target Audience
  • Military
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Policy makers
  • Civil servants in governments
  • General public
  • Local authorities
  • Media
  • NGO staff
  • Women
  • Other
  • Lecture
  • Group Work and Collaborative Problem-Solving
  • Case Study
  • Role-play
  • Not available
  • Confirmation of Participation
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If you have any questions about this course, please get in touch.

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