CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

National Dialogue & Peace Mediation Course

9th April 2025
11th April 2025
3 days CEST
Skill level
On campus

Today’s peace processes are highly complex. Peace mediation and national dialogues are widely recognized as two relevant avenues for the peaceful settlement of conflicts. Peace mediation processes are assisted negotiation processes, often with limited participation and a focus on questions of power-sharing. National dialogues, in contrast, aim to provide a space to discuss a broader range of issues relevant to the wider society, expand participation beyond political and military elites and (re)build relations among different actors. Nevertheless, the two concepts are closely interlinked as national dialogues can be set up before, during or after peace mediation processes.


- get insights into how to define, design and support National Dialogues
- refresh your competences in mediation and relate them to National Dialogue processes
- discuss questions of participation and representation in National Dialogues
- reflect on lessons learned from past National Dialogue processes
- exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice


This course is designed for:

- professionals interested or engaged in national dialogues & peace mediation processes
- practitioners and academics interested in complementing their own experiences with current conceptual insights and practical knowledge

If you are unsure, do not hesitate to contact us for personal advice.

Kasernenhof 8 4058 Basel Switzerland

To apply for the course, please click on the button.   Apply now

  • Conflict transformation
  • Culture and identity
  • Human rights (in conflict)
  • Civilian peacekeeping and accompaniment
  • Conflict analysis
  • Conflict management & conflict resolution
  • Conflict prevention
  • Institutional development / capacity building
  • Mediation & negotiation
  • Peace education
  • Peacebuilding
  • Project management conflict-sensitive
  • Transitional justice
  • Crisis management
Languages English
Evaluation Participation
Target Audience
  • Military
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Policy makers
  • Civil servants in governments
  • General public
  • Local authorities
  • Media
  • NGO staff
  • Women
  • Other
  • Lecture
  • Group Work and Collaborative Problem-Solving
  • Case Study
  • Role-play
  • Not available
  • Confirmation of Participation
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If you have any questions about this course, please get in touch.

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