CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding

Plazo límite de presentación de solicitud
1st May 2024
Fecha de inicio
15th May 2024
Fecha de finalización
5th June 2024
Nivel de capacidad

The training will support peacebuilders in international or domestic peace projects, as well as people working in active conflict zones, to more deeply explore and understand individual, communal, and historical harms - such as ethnic violence, racism, gender-based violence, and colonialism - at the root of communal division. By cultivating participants’ sensitivity to harm and incorporating trauma-healing approaches in their relationships and work, they are better equipped to transform interpersonal and intergroup relationships.


The course is based on four essential ethics: do no harm; uphold dignity; recognize common humanity; and respect diversity and difference.

Participants will:

Know about individual, collective and trans-generational trauma, and how this may impact the societies they live and work in.
Understand the key terms of a trauma-sensitive approach and recognize patterns of common behaviour to traumatic events.
Generate ideas on how to integrate a trauma-informed approach in conflict analysis and project planning.
Become aware of their personal and professional boundaries when dealing with trauma.


This course is intended to support international and domestic peacebuilders who seek to transform conflict and build lasting peace.

Am Kölner Brett 8 50825 Köln Alemania

Para apuntarse en el curso, por favor, haga clic aquí.   Apuntarse ahora

  • Transformación de conflictos
  • Mantenimiento civil de la paz y acompañamiento
  • Gestión de conflictos y resolución de conflictos
  • Apoyo frente al trauma y apoyo psicosocial
  • Diseño de programación de consolidación de la paz y prevención
Idiomas English
Evaluación Certificate of Attendance
  • Personal de ONG
  • Trabajo de equipo y resolución colaborativa de problemas
  • No disponible
  • Not available

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este curso, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

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