Gaming for Peace (Gaming for Peace) Conference
January 10th & 11th, 2019, Trinity College Dublin

GAP is an EU H2020 funded project which is developing a curriculum of soft skills derived from interviews with experienced military, police and civilian peacekeeping personnel, and the state of the art in peacekeeping relevant soft skills and serious games. GAP is embedding a selection of peacekeeping relevant soft skills in a digital role-playing game with in-game assessment. The key soft skills are: gender awareness, cultural competency, communication, cooperation, decision-making and stress management. In-game assessment is reported in individual ‘skills passports’ for players, and the learning metrics have been standardized against international benchmarks. The GAP module (curriculum and game) provides an inexpensive, accessible to all, standardized training in soft skills for peacekeeping and is at the cutting edge of State of the Art in the domains of training for peacekeeping, curriculum development, soft skills, assessment, game design and soft skills standardization.
Open untill 7th December 2018 at:
The conference participation is free of charge.
- training for peacekeeping
- curriculum development
- soft skills
- assessment
- serious games design
- soft skills standardisation
- training for military, police, NGOs
- peace education
2019: A selection of presentations at the conference will be invited to submit full papers for publication in an edited book volume after the conference. The Conference will also host demonstrations of the GAP game, and special events to bring together key personnel in this area
Conference Flyer:
Conference Programme:
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