CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Do No Harm in Conflict Settings – Revised Edition: The challenges of Do-No-Harm in conflict contexts

Plazo límite de presentación de solicitud
10th November 2020
Fecha de inicio
4th December 2020
Fecha de finalización
6th December 2020
3 Days
Nivel de capacidad

***concepts and methods from conflict transformation and postcolonial theory to reflect on your work***

How can we make sure that we as actors of development cooperation contribute to peace instead of conflict? The workshop will mainly focus on this very question. The participants receive a concise overview of the do-no-harm approach and its areas of application before they will undertake practical application exercises. Subsequently, the do-no-harm approach will be assessed for its shortcomings and limitations and will be supplemented and combined with other important concepts such as decolonization, critical whiteness as well as peace and conflict studies. The introduction into the given concepts and theories will respectively be followed by practical exercises, a critical reflection of one’s own role as actor of development cooperation.

In addition, the workshop will also focus on the exchange of professional practical experience in conflict situations. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss problems and challenges they face in the context of vulnerable development contexts, transcultural communication, lack of space for conflict regulation and hierarchies in their work settings.

Target Group
Actors from NGOs in Germany who are active in development cooperation, work with local actors or implement exchange programs with the so-called “Global South”. Furthermore, the workshop addresses those who work in public institutions or think tanks who work with topics around development cooperation as well as students in related fields.

Date: 04.12.2020 – 06.12.2020

Participation fee: 75,- EUR

Due to the covid-19 pandemic the workshop will take place online.

The workshop will be held in English language.

Registration: Please register before 10. November 2020


The aim of the workshop is to better prepare NGO actors from Germany for their work in conflict-sensitive contexts, so that they better contribute to peace in local conflicts and less to aggravation of conflicts. Therefore, the participants learn about conflict analysis tools and the main principles of the do-no-harm-approach.


No prerequisites required

Ringbahnstraße 54 12099 Berlin Alemania

Para apuntarse en el curso, por favor, haga clic aquí.   Apuntarse ahora

  • Transformación de conflictos
  • Cultura e identidad
  • Derechos humanos (en situación de conflicto)
  • Análisis de conflicto
  • Prevención de conflictos
  • Gestión de proyectos sensible al conflicto
  • Justicia transicional
  • Diseño de programación de consolidación de la paz y prevención
  • Sensibilización cultural y comunicación
  • Combatir el extremismo violento
  • Ethics
Idiomas English
Evaluación Oral Evaluation
  • Formuladores de políticas
  • Público en general
  • Personal de ONG
  • Mujeres
  • Otros
  • Periodistas
  • Clase magistral
  • Trabajo de equipo y resolución colaborativa de problemas
  • Estudios de caso
  • Dramatización
  • Métodos para reflexión
Número de participantes 20
  • No disponible
  • Certificate

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este curso, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

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