CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Basic HEAT Course (Amman Jordan)

10th September 2024
12th September 2025
3 days
Level der Fertigkeiten (Skills)
On campus
€ 2.795,-

Be prepared for travelling and working in dangerous areas.

After a long flight, you arrive at your hotel. You step out of the taxi, turn around and are confronted with a weapon. The robber is shouting at you. What do you do? Fight, flee or freeze?
We believe there is another option: to react consciously, relying on your self-awareness and experience. During the Basic HEAT Course (Hostile Environment Awareness Training), you discover the tools you need to work in medium and high-risk areas.

Why choose a Basic HEAT Course?

• We believe in the power of simulation
Our team of trainers and actors offer you the chance to respond to life-threatening situations in a safe learning environment. These simulated exercises are so realistic that you will feel they are really happening. You will learn about your instinctive responses and how to control them.

• Safe learning environment
Your personal safety and well-being are our primary concern. We have a team of professionals to make sure this will be the best and safest learning experience you ever had. If you need extra personal guidance, there is time and professional staff for additional support.

• Personal medical kit and instructions cards
During the module “Medical Accident Control” our specialists teach you to use a professional medical kit specifically designed for remote areas. You will receive this medical kit for free to bring home and on your travels. At the end of each segment of the HEAT training, you will receive an instruction card with a summary of everything you have learned.


Content & subjects
• Security & Situational Awareness
• Field Security Plans
• Risk Assessment & Mitigation
• Gender Specific Risks
• Personal Risk Profile
• Communication Skills (in the field)
• Radio & Satellite Phone
• Medical Accident Control
• Life Saving Skills in Remote Areas
• Basic Life Support & AED
• Dealing with Aggression
• Stress Management
• Hostage Prevention & Survival
• Field Safety Skills
• Checkpoints & Road Blocks
• Active Shooting, Ambushes and Carjacking
• Ammunition and Weapon Awareness
• Simulations and Field Exercises

Further information:
• For whom: Staff working and/or travelling in medium to high-risk areas.
• Language: English (incompany also in French and Dutch)
• Duration: 3 days, including two evening programs (32 hours)
• Breakdown of time: 30% theory, 30% practice, 40% simulations
• Group size: Maximum 14 (during simulations maximum of 7)
• Location: Amman, Jordan
• Dietary wishes: Vegetarian/vegan/halal/other
• Certification: Yes
• Free E-Learning: Yes (after 1 year)
• Cost: 2024: € 2.795,- (including all materials, 2 nights accommodation and food & beverage)

Please feel free to contact us for more information:
Telephone: +31 (0)33-4630293



Yajouz Road 0000 Amman Jordanien

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Other course dates
Start Date End Date
10th September 2024 12th September 2025
3rd December 2024 5th December 2024
25th February 2025 27th February 2025
  • Wahlbeobachtung
  • Zivile Friedensförderung
  • Institutionelle Entwicklung / Kapazitätsaufbau
  • Persönlicher Schutz und Sicherheit (inkl. Stressmanagement etc.)
  • Einsatzvorbereitende Ausbildung für die zivile Bevölkerung
  • Einsatzvorbereitende Ausbildung für die Polizei
  • Kulturbewusstsein & Kommunikation
Sprachen English
Bewertung Evaluation
  • RegierungsbeamtInnen
  • MitarbeiterInnen von NGOs
  • SozialarbeiterInnen
  • JugendarbeiterInnen
  • LehrerInnen
  • JournalistInnen
  • Vortrag
  • Gruppenarbeit und gemeinsame Problemlösung
  • Rollenspiel
  • Simulation
TeilnehmerInnenanzahl 14
  • HEAT
  • HEAT Certificate
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