CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Documenting and Archiving from a Dealing with the Past Perspective

Plazo límite de presentación de solicitud
31st March 2024
Fecha de inicio
4th June 2025
Fecha de finalización
13th June 2025
6 afternoons CEST
Nivel de capacidad
1'500 CHF

Documentary evidence plays an important role in Dealing with the Past processes: It is indispensable for truth seeking, accountability, reparations, institutional reforms, vetting, memorialization and history. However, if the creation, collection, management and preservation of such evidence is not properly done, records and archives documenting violations of human rights and international humanitarian law can be at risk of losing their value and thus prevent their future usability.

In this course, participants are introduced to topics related to documentation. Next to archival principles, arrangement and description, preservation and protection, as well as outreach and promotion, participants will also learn about ethical and legal responsibilities, such as informed consent, information privacy and do no harm.

The course is perfect for those of you who want to update their documentation skills in a practice-oriented manner. Course materials are introduced by drawing on concrete examples, which allows participants to gain valuable knowledge for their daily work.


In this course you will:

- Acquire a thorough understanding of documenting and archiving practices to support the right to know, the right to reparations, the right to justice as well as guarantees of non-recurrence.
- Familiarize yourself with documentation and archival principles.
- Understand the technical requirements of information, archives and data management.
- Reflect on ethical principles and legal responsibilities involved in the creation, management and preservation of records and archives for Dealing with the Past processes.
- Exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice.


This course is designed for professionals engaged in Dealing with the Past processes and Conflict Transformation and for practitioners and academics interested in complementing their own experiences with current conceptual insights and practical knowledge.

University of Basel 4058 Basel Suiza

Para apuntarse en el curso, por favor, haga clic aquí.   Apuntarse ahora

  • Transformación de conflictos
  • Cultura e identidad
  • Mantenimiento civil de la paz y acompañamiento
  • Gestión de conflictos y resolución de conflictos
  • Prevención de conflictos
  • Educación para la paz
  • Protección de civiles
  • Gestión de crisis
  • Sensibilización cultural y comunicación
Idiomas English
Evaluación Confirmation of Participation
  • Funcionarios/as gubernamentales
  • Público en general
  • Personal de ONG
  • Clase magistral
  • Trabajo de equipo y resolución colaborativa de problemas
  • Métodos para reflexión
  • Confirmation of Participation
  • Confirmation of Participation

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este curso, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Para enviar el mensaje haga clic aquí.   Contacto

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