CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses

Mr Robert Templer

  •   Barcelona, España
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I’m a former director of the Asia Program at the International Crisis Group when it was the leading voice on conflict research and policy prescription in the region. I’ve also spent 10 years teaching graduate students and developing practice based professional courses in a range of areas including conflict analysis, peacebuilding, policy development and advocacy, security system reform, NGO management, policy writing and human rights research. I’ve also worked at the Central European University as a professor of practice and head of the Shattuck Center on Conflict, Negotiations and Human Rights.

I’m from Ireland but have lived all around the world including working in every Asian country over the past two decades.

Formaciones ofrecidas
Tema Niveles Idiomas
DDR Advanced English
Medio ambiente y clima Advanced English
Género/ Transversalización de las cuestiones de género Advanced English
Análisis de conflicto Advanced English
Gestión de conflictos y resolución de conflictos Advanced English
Consolidación de la paz Advanced English
Reforma del Sector de Seguridad Advanced English
Gestión de crisis Advanced English
  • Ejército
  • Fuerzas del orden
  • Formuladores de políticas
  • Funcionarios/as gubernamentales
  • Jóvenes
  • Personal de ONG
  • Mujeres
  • No disponible
Formaciones a medida  Yes
  • No disponible
Shadows and Wind: A View of Modern Vietnam. Penguin 2009.
More than 400 reports for the International Crisis Group between 2001 and 2012.
Urbicide, or an Elegy for Aleppo. 2015.
Reports on Myanmar, Bangladesh, Extremism, the Philippines peace process and other subjects for various clients including the UNDP and the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue.
A Basilisk Glance: The Past and Future of Mass Poisonings. Forthcoming 2019
The Shah’s Party and Other Tales of Excess. forthcoming 2019.

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