Since 2018 the H.E.A.T. Academy GmbH & Co. KG offers training for surviving in hostile environments. All our trainers regularly work abroad themselves and are specialists in their areas of expertise. The H.E.A.T. Academy team includes...
Hawkeye Dynamics provides specialist training solutions designed to prepare individuals and teams for operating in complex, high-risk environments. We offer Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT), bespoke personal safety and security...
Helsinki España is Human Rights organization, born in 1992 with the aim of disseminating and promoting the principles related to the Human Dimension of the Helsinki Act of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). ...
The Herbert C. Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation (HKI) is an independent non-partisan, nongovernmental organisation registered in Austria. The Institute is engaged in civil society conflict transformation and...
The Catholic University of Paris (ICP) faculties and institutes prepare over one hundred qualifications using the Bachelor (3 years), Master (2 years) and PhD (3 years) European structure. Most of the courses offered are in French. They are...
Bespoke and generic accredited programmes developed and delivered by post doctoral researchers, trainers and mediators within societies and organisations emerging from conflict. ICR is a not-for profit training charity working on issues of...
Institute for Peace & Dialogue, IPD is one of the leading organiser of many successful international academic trainings and research programs in Switzerland in the field of peacebuilding, conflict transformation, mediation, security,...
Con una decidida vocación multidisciplinar, el IECAH orienta sus actividades en una cuádruple dirección: análisis, asesoramiento y consultoría, divulgación y docencia. El marco de referencia para su labor viene definido por la...
In 2019 the International College of Peace Studies began providing its training programs and also became partner Centre for Executive Education, University for Peace based in Costa Rica Central America. University for Peace is a United...
"International lectorium of liberal arts" — international educational project. We strive to develop humanitarian education, because it allows us to expand our worldview, to realize the importance of multiculturalism and...
Jagaran Media Center (JMC) is a non-governmental organization established in 2000 by journalists from the Dalit community in Nepal. The Organization advocates eliminating caste-based discrimination, promoting a more equitable, inclusive and...
The Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action – KURVE Wustrow was founded in 1980 with the aim of turning concerns about violent conflict, environmental degradation and social injustice into conscious nonviolent action. ...
Die KURVE Wustrow – Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte für gewaltfreie Aktion e.V. wurde 1980 mit dem Ziel gegrün-det, einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten, dass Betroffenheit über gewalttätige und kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen,...
We developed the programs with experts from Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Border Patrol and Universities from around the world. In addition, we have experts in technology, including cybersecurity, 5G and the Internet of Things.
Lead Academy is a leading provider of online training, practical courses and professional training. Our wide ranges of courses are certified by CPD and endorsed by Quality License Scheme and are directed towards personal and professional...
Established in 2015 Mediate NI is a professional Mediation and Conflict Transformation Training Service. We offer accredited and non-accredited training programmes in Mediation Sills and in Conflict Transformation as well as skills in...
The Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (MPI) is an Asian training institute grounded in the Mindanao, Philippines, context that provides a space for people of diverse backgrounds to gather together, share and learn in a safe environment where...
Musicians Without Borders uses the power of music to bridge divides, connect communities, and heal the wounds of war. We work closely with local musicians and organizations to build sustainable projects in response to local needs. Our...