CPPB Curricula, Providers, Trainers and Courses


  • Public
  • Non-profit
  • National

swisspeace is a practice-oriented peace research institute. It analyses violent conflicts and develops strategies for their peaceful transformation. swisspeace aims to contribute to the improvement of conflict prevention and conflict transformation by producing innovative research, shaping discourses on international peace policy, developing and applying new peacebuilding tools and methodologies, supporting and advising other peace actors, as well as by providing and facilitating spaces for analysis, discussion, critical reflection and learning.

swisspeace is an associated Institute of the University of Basel and member of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. Its most important partners and clients are the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, international organizations, think tanks and NGOs.

26 course(s) provided by swisspeace

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Peacebuilding Essentials

  • Beginn :  1st September 2024
  • Ende:  31st October 2025

National Dialogue & Peace Mediation Course

  • Beginn :  9th April 2025
  • Ende:  11th April 2025
  • Akademisches bzw. Forschungsinstitut
  • Konflikttransformation
  • Menschenrechte (im Konflikt)
  • Konfliktanalyse
  • Konfliktmanagement & Konfliktlösung
  • Konfliktprävention
  • Mediation & Verhandlung
  • Friedenserziehung
  • Friedenskonsolidierung
  • Übergangsjustiz („Transitional Justice“)
  • Politische EntscheidungsträgerInnen
  • Allgemeinheit
  • Örtliche Behörden
  • Medien
  • MitarbeiterInnen von NGOs
Gründungsjahr 1988
Sekundar- oder Hochschuleinrichtung  Yes
  • Nicht verfügbar
  • English
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